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Prof. Dr. Julia Fischer

Prof. Dr. Julia Fischer Speaker of the Leibniz-ScienceCampus +49 551 3851-375 +49 551 3851-372 Contact

Dr. Christian Schloegl

Dr. Christian Schloegl Managing Director +49 551 3851-480 +49 551 3851-489 Contact

The Leibniz ScienceCampus Primate Cognition

Why do primates have such large brains? Theories trying to explain the large brains and advanced cognitive abilities of humans and non-human primates center on the high demands for the intake, processing and integration of sensory information and its translation into actions. Likewise, the cause-effect relationships of actions and their consequences may need to be considered in action planning and execution.

To achieve a comprehensive framework for the mechanisms of information processing and decision making in human and non-human primates, the Leibniz ScienceCampus "Primate Cognition" was founded in 2015, and offers a joint research platform for neuroscientists, psychologists and cognitive and behavioral biologists. Under its unifying theme of human and non-human primates' abilities to maneuver in their complex social and physical environment, the ScienceCampus supports integrative and comparative research ideas, collaborations, international exchange and outreach activities.



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Göttingen Campus