Previous events organized by the Leibniz ScienceCampus Primate Cognition
Date | Type | Title / Topic | |
Mar 18-19, 2015 | Workshop | U4-Workshop “Extra-retinal influences on vision: vistas, methods and current controversies | |
Jun 18, 2015 | Colloquium | Tom Johnstone (Reading): Probing the neural circuitry of emotion and cognition with fMRI, psychophysiology and TMS | |
Jun 29, 2015 | Colloquium | Michael Frank (Stanford): Early language learning at scale: Experiments in using big data to study small people | |
Jul 7, 2015 | Colloquium | Jesse Snedeker (Harvard): Embodied cognition: insights from cognitive development and language processing | |
Sept 21-25, 2015 | Summer School | Emotion Expressions in Human and Nonhuman Communication | |
Sep 22, 2015 | Colloquium | Michael Mendl (Bristol): Animal emotion and decision-making | |
Sep 22, 2015 | Colloquium | Sonja A. Kotz (Maastricht): Prediction in multimodal speech | |
Sep 23, 2015 | Colloquium | Klaus R. Scherer (Geneva): Why and how are emotions expressed? Conjectures and recent evidence | |
Oct 8, 2015 | Colloquium | Robert R. Hampton (Emory): Behavioral studies of cognitive monitoring and cognitive control in monkeys | |
Oct 26-28, 2016 | Workshop | Annual Student Retreat | |
Oct 29, 2015 | Colloquium | James Roney (Santa Barbara): The role of sex hormones in the regulation of temporal shifts in women’s motivational priorities | |
Nov 4, 2015 | Opening Event | Michael Platt (Pennsylvania): The Biology of Strategic Social Behavior | |
Nov. 9-11, 2015 | Workshop | Data analysis workshop - Introduction to R (Rick Scavetta, Science Craft) | |
Nov. 19, 2015 | Colloquium | Richard Moore (Berlin): Why Did Humans but not Apes Acquire Language? | |
Dec 3, 2015 | Colloquium | Yasushi Miyashita (Tokyo): Local cell-assemblies, mesoscopic interlaminar circuit, distant inter-areal network, and their couplings: Memory system in the macaque cortex | |
Jan 13, 2016 | Movie Night | The King’s Speech | |
Jan 28, 2016 | Philosophy Lab | The Evolution of primate general and cultural intelligence | |
Feb 10, 2016 | Philosophy Lab | Social intelligence, human intelligence, and nice construction | |
Feb 24, 2016 | Movie Night | Disney’s Chimpanzee | |
Mar 2-4, 2016 | Workshop | Data visualization (Rick Scavetta, Science Craft) | |
Mar 9, 2016 | Social Café | Social Cognition | |
Mar, 14-15, 2016 | Workshop | Basic maths and stats (Holger Sennhenn-Reulen) | |
Mar 16, 2016 | Philosophy Lab | Consciousness: here, there and everywhere? | |
Mar 17, 2016 | Colloquium | Ulf Toelch (Berlin): Seeing and believing – A neuro computational account of normative influences in decision-making | |
Apr 6, 2016 | Social Café | Chimpanzees trust their friends | |
Apr 13-14, 2016 | Workshop | Project management: Mastering your PhD – Managing your projects (Valeska Russo, ProSciencia) | |
Apr 20, 2016 | Philosophy Lab | Cause and Effect in Biology Revisited: Is Mayr’s Proximate-Ultimate Dichotomy Still Useful? | |
Apr 25-27, 2016 | Workshop | Basic Regression Modelling (Holger Sennhenn-Reulen) | |
May 18, 2016 | Philosophy Lab | The Cultured Chimpanzee: Nonsense or Breakthrough? | |
May 25, 2016 | Social Café | Cognitive Architecture of Belief Reasoning in Children and Adults: A Two-Systems Account Primer | |
Jun 13, 2016 | Colloquium | Atsushi Iriki (RIKEN): Triadic Niche Construction: How human intelligence may have evolved in the primate brain through interaction of neural, cognitive and ecological niches | |
Jun 13, 2016 | Panel Discussion | What is the future of primate research? | |
Jun 15-16, 2016 | Workshop | Writing scientific publications (Christina Schütte, ProSciencia) | |
Jun 23, 2016 | Colloquium | David Puts (Penn State): Human sexual selection: What our voices tell us | |
Jun 27-28, 2016 | Workshop | R for advanced users but not yet experts! (Holger Sennhenn-Reulen) | |
Jul 7, 2016 | Theatre | Daniel Povinelli (Lafayette): Confessions of a former monkey mind doctor | |
Aug 2-3, 2016 | Workshop | Introduction to Mixed Effects Regression Models (Holger Sennhenn-Reulen, Thomas Kneib, Peter Pütz) | |
Oct 19-21, 2016 | Workshop | Annual Student Retreat | |
Nov 2, 2016 | Movie Night | Project Nim | |
Nov 10, 2016 | Colloquium | Tecumseh Fitch (Vienna): The Comparative Approach to the Biology and Evolution of Language | |
Nov 22, 2016 | Colloquium | Michael R. Baumann ( Texas): Exploring demonstrability: Underlying dimensions and applications in small groups and related contexts | |
Nov 23, 2016 | Workshop | Modelling of Group Decisions (Michael R. Baumann, University of Texas) | |
Nov 24, 2016 | Colloquium | Melissa Emery Thompson (New Mexico): Life history tradeoffs in wild chimpanzees | |
Dec 6-9, 2016 | Workshop | Think Tank Meeting “Primate Sociality”, convened by Julia Ostner and Oliver Schülke | |
Dec 8, 2016 | Colloquium | Mariska Kret (Leiden): Emotion Processing in Homo and Pan | |
Jan 12, 2017 | Colloquium | Katarina Begus (Budapest): Active learners: Behavioural and neural mechanisms of selective social learning in infancy | |
Jan 25, 2017 | Movie Night | Temple Grandin | |
Jan 26, 2017 | Colloquium | Jean-Rene Duhamel (Lyon): Behavioral and neural bases of social decision-making in non-human primates | |
Feb 27-Mar 3, 2017 | Workshop | Basic Mathematics and Statistics (Holger Sennhenn-Reulen) | |
Mar 2, 2017 | Colloquium | Kilian Semmelmann (Bochum): Web technology and the internet: The future of data acquisition in psychology? | |
Mar 9, 2017 | Colloquium | Marina Butovskaya (Moscow): Genes, aggression and reproduction in traditional African societies: an evolutionary perspective | |
Mar 16, 2017 | Colloquium | Andrew Gersick (Princeton): Looking for universal drivers of signal evolution in the long-distance communication of social mammals | |
Mar 27, 2017 | Colloquium | Winrich Freiwald (New York): On the Neural Machinery of Face Recognition | |
Mar 27-29, 2017 | Workshop | Introduction to R (Rick Scavetta, Science Craft) | |
Mar 30, 2017 | Colloquium | Renate Schweizer (Göttingen): The Human Connectome Project – useful for Primate Cognition? | |
Apr 6, 2017 | Colloquium | Alexander Weiss (Edinburgh): Nonhuman primate personality: Origins and links to cognition and fitness | |
Apr 27, 2017 | Colloquium | Peter König (Osnabrück): Mind over matter: Inferences in visual processing | |
May 3, 2017 | Colloquium | Jasper Poort (London): Selective processing of relevant visual information: from learning‐induced changes of the selectivity and interactions of interneurons in mouse to figure‐ground segregation in primate visual cortex | |
May 8-12, 2017 | Workshop | Regression Modelling (Holger Sennhenn-Reulen) | |
Jun 8, 2017 | Colloquium | Stuart Ritchie (Edinburgh): The ageing mind and brain: Insights from the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936 | |
Jun 27, 2017 | Workshop | Sequential Bayesian Statistics (Thomas Schultze-Gerlach) | |
Jul 6, 2017 | Colloquium | Jack Soll (Duke): Explaining Overprecision in Judgment | |
Jul 13, 2017 | Colloquium | Niels Dingemanse (Munich): Social environments and the evolutionary coexistence of behavioural types in the wild | |
Aug 09, 2017 | Movie Night | Schläfer / Sleeper | |
Oct 17-20, 2017 | Think Tank | Symposium: "Frontiers in Baboon Research", convened by Julia Fischer and Dietmar Zinner | |
Oct 24-26, 2017 | Workshop | Annual Student Retreat | |
Oct 27, 2017 | Colloquium | Matthias Allritz (MPI EVA Leipzig): Coordination and communication between chimpanzees in a two-touch-screen ball playing game | |
Nov 01, 2017 | Movie Night | Shock Room | |
Nov 09, 2017 | Colloquium | Josef Perner (Salzburg): Mental files development: Theory of mind and spatial cognition | |
Nov 20, 2017 | Colloquium | Conor Liston (Weill Cornell): Frontostriatal mechanisms of anhedonia in novel neurophysiological subtypes of depression | |
Jan 11-17, 2018 | Workshop | Linear models and their application in R (Roger Mundry, Max Planck Institute for Evoluationary Anthropology Leipzig) | |
Jan 22, 2018 | Colloquium | Elad Schneidmann (Weizmann Institute): From individual computation to group behavior, in fish, mice and primates | |
Mar 13-14, 2018 | Workshop | Growth Curve Analysis (Dan Mirman, University of Alabama) | |
Apr 9-11, 2018 | Workshop | Analysis of dominance relationships - Elo-rating in an applied context (Christof Neumann, University of Neuchâtel) | |
Apr 19, 2018 | Colloquium | Emily Bethell (Liverpool): Studying cognition-emotion interaction in non-human primates using cognitive bias tasks: emerging trends and future directions | |
May 19, 2018 | Colloquium | Nancy Kim (Northwestern): Causal inference and the Drive for Causal Coherence in Clinicians' Diagnosis, Judgments, and Memory | |
May 30-Jun 1, 2018 | Workshop | Data Analysis (Rick Scavetta, Berlin) | |
May 30, 2018 | Public lecture | Michael Tomasello (Duke): Origins of Human Cooperation | |
June 14, 2018 | Coffee and Statistics | Model selection (moderated by Julien Hambuckers) | |
June 21, 2018 | Colloquium | Jesus E Madrid (Stanford): Variation in sociality in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta): biological and behavioral correlates | |
July 10, 2018 | Colloquium | Angie Johnson (Yale): What can dogs teach us about human learning? | |
July 10, 2018 | Colloquium | Mark Sheskin (Yale): New Directions in Online Child Data Collection | |
Sep 24-25, 2018 | Workshop | Using to build complex R-driven online studies with personalized feedback (Ruben Arslan, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin) | |
Sep 25, 2018 | Colloquium | Aaron Blaisdell (UC LA): Imagery in rats: Decision making in the face of perceptual ambiguity | |
Oct 16, 2018 | Movie Night | Jane (in cooperation with Lumière) | |
Oct 18-19, 2018 | Think Tank | The First Göttingen Workshop on 'Late Detected Developmental Disorders (LD3) - Challenging the Asymptomatic Early Development Assumption', convened by Peter Marschik and Luise Poustka | |
Oct 23, 2018 | Colloquium | Axel Lindner (Tübingen): A Disorder of Agency: The Causal Attribution of Sensory Events to One's Actions and Its Impairment in Schizophrenia | |
Oct 24-26, 2018 | Workshop | Annual Student Retreat | |
Dec 6, 2018 | Colloquium | Benedict C Jones (Glasgow): Improving Social Perception Research Through Open Science Initiatives | |
Feb 13-15, 2019 | Conference | 16th Conference of the Gesellschaft für Primatologie | |
Mar 21, 2019 | Colloquium | Steven Chang (Yale): The coordinated interplay between prefrontral areas and amygdala in social gaze dynamics and decision-making | |
Apr 2, 2019 | Colloquium | Klaus Zuberbühler (Neuchâtel): The evolutionary road to syntax | |
May 29, 2019 | Colloquium | Alexander Todorov (Princeton): Modeling Social Perception in Faces | |
Jun 20, 2019 | Colloquium | Gabor Stefanics (Zurich): Visual Mismatch and Predictive Coding | |
Aug 12, 2019 | Colloquium | Yonathan Loewenstein (Jerusalem): Why idiosyncratic choice bias is (almost) inevitable | |
Sep 17, 2020 | Colloquium | Elizabeth Archie (Notre Dame University): Long-term perspectives on gut microbiome dynamics and individual life histories in the Amboseli baboons | |
Oct 22, 2020 | Colloquium | Michael Graziano (Princeton): Why Brain-Machines Think They’re Conscious | |
Nov 5, 2020 | Colloquium | Manuel Spitschan (Oxford): What does the human eye tell the human circadian clock? | |
Nov 12, 2020 | Colloquium | Erin Westgate (University of Florida): Why boredom is interesting | |
Jan 14, 2021 | Colloquium | Colline Poirier (Newcastle): Methodological development of behavioural and neuroimaging indicators of primate welfare | |
Jan 21, 2021 | Colloquium | Nicola S Clayton (Cambridge University): Ways of Thinking. From Crows to Children and Back Again | |
Apr 29, 2021 | Colloquium | Manon K Schweinfurth (St. Andrews): The origins of reciprocal help | |
May 6, 2021 | Colloquium | Ian Phillips (John Hopkins): Bewitched by Blindsight | |
Jun 3, 2021 | Colloquium | Lauren Robinson (Georgia State University & University of Vienna): Primate personality and health, welfare, and happiness | |
Jun 7-25, 2021 | Workshop | Linear models and their application in R (Roger Mundry, Leibniz-ScienceCampus) | |
Jul 1, 2021 | Colloquium | Martin Schulte-Rüther (University Medical Center Göttingen): Mechanisms of face-to-face social interaction – a clinical neuroscience perspective | |
Sep 23, 2021 | Network-Event | Networking Event Leibniz-ScienceCampus | |
Nov 11, 2021 | Colloquium | Kou Murayama (Tübingen): A reward-learning framework of knowledge acquisition: How we can integrate the concepts of curiosity, interest, and intrinsic-extrinsic rewards | |
Nov 1-12, 2021 | Workshop | Data simulation for linear models in R (Roger Mundry, Leibniz-ScienceCampus) | |
Nov 29, 2021 | Colloquium | Alexandra M. Freund (Zürich): Exhaustion and Recovery: What’s motivation got to do with it? | |
Dec 9, 2021 | Colloquium | Tara Mandalaywala (University of Massachussetts Amherst): A kid's eye view of race and status | |
Feb 17, 2022 | Colloquium | Joey T. Cheng (York University): Force and Persuasion: How Do We Humans Climb the Social Hierarchy? | |
May 5, 2022 | Colloquium | Cédric Girard-Buttoz (MPI-EVA Leipzig): Complexity and structure of vocal communication in wild chimpanzees | |
Jun 27, 2022 | Colloquium | Helen Blank, (University Medical Center Hamburg Eppendorf): You say “tomato”, I say “tumatu” -The influence of prior expectations on perception in social interaction | |
Sep 8, 2022 | Colloquium | Shona Duguid (St. Andrews): Coordinating decisions for cooperation: insights from a comparative perspective | |
Sep 28, 2022 | Colloquium | Peter Carruthers (Maryland): Questioning and model-free meta-cognition | |
Oct 6, 2022 | Colloquium | Karen J. Parker (Stanford University): Developing a monkey model to drive streamlined translation and clinical impact for autism | |
Nov 10, 2022 | Colloquium | Christian Nawroth (FBN Dummersdorf): Farm animal cognition. What do we know and why should we care? | |
Nov 1-17, 2022 | Workshop | Data simulation for linear models in R (Roger Mundry, Leibniz-ScienceCampus) | |
Jan 26/30-Feb 17, 2023 | Workshop | Linear models and their application in R (Roger Mundry, Leibniz-ScienceCampus) | |
Feb 16, 2023 | Colloquium | Oliver Tüscher (University Medical Center Mainz & Leibniz-Institut für Resilienzforschung): Neuorbiological candidate mechanisms for resilience - goal directed behaviour under stress | |
Mar 21, 2023 | Colloquium | Dora E Angelaki (New York): Active sensing and flexible neural coding during visually guided navigation |

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